If somebody come out as bi for you, what will you do

woman come out as bisexualCome out as bisexual. Not every bisexual is willing to come out. Love can change people. There is always someone glad to change themselves for love. If someone come out as bisexual for you, what will you choose? Let him/her go or love him/her for a lifetime?

Someone has been met the situation, she likes a girl, the girl has boyfriend. Both girls seem to have feelings with each other. They are not sure if the other is bisexual(lesbian) or not. They always stay together like friends with a little special love.

One day, the girl (A) broke up with her boyfriend and told another girl that she is a bisexual and fall in love with her for a long time. The girl (B) who is listening was shocked. She has no idea for that. She knows that she has feelings with that girl but do not come out with her and family. The matter makes her upset. She does not know what she should do.

When I saw the case, if I’m the girl, I also don’t know how to do it. As a bisexual woman who come out for many years, I carefully considered the whole thing. The relationship of two girls depends on the girl who is loved. I can feel the pressure of the girl (B) so that I have some suggestions to her about how to deal with the relationship.

Firstly, as all we know, A love B very much, so, B should think about the first question. Are you loving A? Just follow your heart without thinking about sexual orientation and come out problem. If you love her, you should accept her. Then think about bisexuality things. If you do not love her, it will be solved easier. Refuse her.

However, I know B is also loving A, she just does not sure the feeling. Because she does not come out completely as bisexual woman. In my opinion, you should make sure your feeling first, maybe it’s better for you to try to have the relationship with A for a period of time. In the relationship, your feeling will be more clear. I’m pretty sure she loves you. It’s a difficult decision for every hide bisexual to come out as bisexual, in order to love you, you never know how courageous she is to do this. She is a good girl for you.

After you sure you love A, we should begin to consider the sexual orientation. You have hidden your real sexual orientation for a long time. Do you ever think about when you will come out? Stay as straight forever, that would be terrible. All of us know about that during that time of come out is painful and dark. It is possible for us nobody understands you and accept you, however, when unhappy days pass, there is only love in the rest of days.

Fortunately for you, there is a girl will stay with you for these days. This is a big gift for you. You are the luck girl.

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